Day: November 11, 2022

Today we made a survival kit with 10 or 20 items and i put 10 in my survival kit I have in my survival kit is flashlight,compos, pocketknife, battery, first aid kit, rope, flare gun, tent, walkytalky, water bottle and canned food.

Manaiakalani Film Festival

On Tuesday the 8th of November 2022 Glen Taylor went to the Manaiakalani Film Festival to watch other schools movies and our movie got picked with room 8. After that the schools were getting ready for their show. My favourite movie was the Tamaki College because i like how they put all of the cultures in the movie and how the two people were talking in the language. When the 2 people stopped talking the movie went on and it started with India first then the other cultures that were on stage were dancing but there were only 2 cultures that are India and Samoa.